Suicidal Cyclists? | FerrariChat

Suicidal Cyclists?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Need4Spd, Jun 5, 2016.

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  1. Need4Spd

    Need4Spd F1 Veteran

    Feb 24, 2007
    Silicon Valley
    Went on a mostly good drive today on Hwy 1. I really behaved myself, passing only when I had a dotted yellow on my side of the road and when there were no cars in the oncoming lane. But! There was some kind of cycling rally, where 98% of the cyclists stayed in the bike lane. More than a few times, however, AFTER I already pulled out to pass a 35-45 mph car full of sightseers, a cyclist broke from the opposite bike lane and took the middle of the opposite highway lane head-on towards me! I had to duck back into my lane each time prematurely to avoid a collision. Once I had to come a lot closer to the overtaken vehicle than I (or the other driver) would have liked. What's with cyclists?!
  2. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo F1 Rookie

    Jun 4, 2009
    Encinitas, CA
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    The onus is on you, being in the wrong lane, to ensure you can safely make the pass of the Sunday Drivers. You need to factor in everything when making your decision to pass - including the possibility that someone in the opposing lane of traffic might do something you weren't expecting.

    Why did you think that driving PCH/HWY 1 on a summery Sunday afternoon was going to be anything but frustrating? Hit the backroads next time or get up really early and truly enjoy the drive.
  3. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner


    I'll assume you're a cyclist, based on your response.

    Generally, guys on bike behave like asshats, fortunately, down here, it's too damn hot for anyone but the craziest of crazies to go on a bike ride of any substance, so I no longer have to contend with them.

    But up north? There's this conception among cyclists that they somehow own the road, can do whatever they want and generally become an incredible menace to navigation.

    Why ride single file when you can fill a lane and do 17 mph in a 45 zone? Why stop for red lights when you can drift through the intersection, generally not getting hit, but screaming at drivers with the right of way when they don't stop for you. Why look out for cars at all. Hell, I had a guy on a bike WHISTLE at me to indicate he was coming through, right of way or not.

    Cyclists scream that folks in cars have it in for them. Truth is, cyclists are their own worst enemies, a menace to navigation and generally the most inconsiderate bunch of asses on the road. They are even worse than Prius drivers.

    As to the OP, yep, you have to be aware that there's a dumb **** born every minute, and each and every one of them is out on a Sunday, riding their bike where they shouldn't, assuming you won't kill them with your car.

  4. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
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    Nov 26, 2001
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    Trailer Swift
    Just another dude who thinks ego trumps physics.
  5. Glassman

    Glassman F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    I hate bike riders......last year the city at great expense put in bike paths on both sides of the main street in front of my house. Every day I wind up behind a jack wad bike rider who wants to ride in the street. The majority are very rude people.
  6. toggie

    toggie F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Toggie (Ron)
    Most bike riders are pretty good to share the road with where I live.

    I had one bike rider turn on my country road just before I got there on my way home one day.
    I'm thinking this is going to be a nightmare, finding a place to pass this asshat on a tight, curvy 25 mph two-lane road.
    Boy, was I wrong. This rider was in SHAPE, he had a high-speed bike, the full high-tech outfit, the special bike helmet, etc.
    He got going about 30 mph down my road and I thought to myself, there is no reason to attempt to pass this guy - he's going too fast!
    So, I backed off about 3 car lengths and just followed him for about a mile until I got to my driveway.
    The rider looked back a few times over his shoulder to see if I was going to pass or not, but he must have smiled to himself when he saw I thought he was going fast enough to follow him in a car instead of passing.
  7. PhilNotHill

    PhilNotHill Two Time F1 World Champ

    Jul 3, 2006
    Aspen CO 81611
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    The cyclists who have the fancy outfits are the worst. They refuse to use the nicely paved bike path 20 feet away parallel to the road. No. They must ride on the road ...often three abreast...l suppose so they can talk. But there are double yellows so you can't get around them.

    I toot. If they don't go into single file l lay on the horn for as long as it takes. They can't talk over that. This almost always results in some swear words from them and the "finger."

    Going down Independence pass they go fifty or 60 mph.

    It's a wonder more aren't killed. Lord help you if you ever hit one.

    Please note those that dress like pros don't signal, don't stop for stop lights or stop signs. Jail these lawbreakers. ;)
  8. albert328gts

    albert328gts Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    And I hate cyclists. They think they own the road.
  9. AceMaster

    AceMaster Three Time F1 World Champ

    Feb 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
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    Share the road.
  10. classic308

    classic308 F1 Veteran

    Jan 9, 2004
    Westchester, NY
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    Yep. Be patient.
  11. Fritz Ficke

    Fritz Ficke Formula 3
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    Jan 3, 2006
    Tucson, AZ.
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    Fritz Ficke
    Unfortunately many bicycle riders do not understand this concept, I am a cyclists besides a sports car driver and it frustrates me as a bicycle rider, the us against them, selfish view many cyclist have.
    Share the road means just that, cars and BIKE riders need to think of the other rode users and share it.
  12. daytona355

    daytona355 F1 World Champ

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Sid Korshak
    Here in the UK, the double lines in the centre of the road mean 'no overtaking', but sensibly, it doesn't apply to non-motorised vehicles. This means you don't have to sit behind cyclists. If it did apply to them, I'd probably be writing this from traffic school or jail, as I'm sorry, but I'm not sitting behind a cyclist for any distance whatsoever. Arriving behind them, I am planning my pass immediately. It's going to be safe, but it may not be pretty, but cyclists here are the same, the majority seem to to forget that if they piss off a car or Lorry driver, we might need a little t-cut, they'd probably need surgery, if it goes wrong for them
  13. vvvmd

    vvvmd F1 Rookie
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    Dec 23, 2003
    close to the Hub
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    Victor Villarreal
    You guys echo the general populations view of people that drive Ferraris
  14. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Unfortunately, cyclists (many, not all) don't do exactly what you're espousing. They don't "share the road" they attempt to commandeer it. Oh, and if I stuck my car in front of an amateur peleton, and then slowed down so they had to slow as well, I'd get my ass run over. I'd have bikes surrounding me. But when a pack of bikes blocks the road, and you pass, all kinds of crap comes your way.

    I've been in intersections, waiting to make a right turn on red and had the shoulder of the road fill with bike riders, essentially eliminating my ability to turn, while they carefully break the law.

    I've been forced to sit behind a pack or riders, idling along at 15 mph in a 35 zone.

    Correct me if I'm wrong. Cyclists have rules to follow too, right? In PA at least, they are supposed to follow the same laws as vehicles. Yeah, right, that'll happen.

    SO, when a bike slides up on the right at an intersection, that's illegal. When bikers ride 3 or 4 abreast down the road, illegal. Running stop signs, failing to yield, all the same laws we follow in our cars, all you cyclists follow those to the letter, right?

    Um, nope.

    Want us to "share the road?" Then play by the rules. Otherwise, stay the hell off the road because your stupidity is going to get you killed.

    Oh, and hey, you're all wearing helmets, right?

  15. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    this is spot on.

    not any worse than motorists that think cyclists don't have a legal right to be on the road at all, buzz cyclists as they pass not waiting for a safe passing zone, honk or throw stuff at cyclists as they pass, or complain about going in the opposite lane and encountering a cyclist in the correct lane. ohh big tough motorists in 5k vehicles against mothers and fathers on 16lb bikes. except in the case of California stops (where motorists and cyclists equally break this law) typically it is the motorists that are breaking the laws around cyclists more than the other. I mean out on the open road what laws are the cyclists really capable of breaking? Very few places have actual laws that cyclists can't ride two abreast (or more) or have to remain on the shoulder and can't get in the lane at all. This entire situation is just proof the masses are asses and can have their head up their ass.
  16. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner


    c'mon dude.

    Most drivers would prefer not to have ANY interaction with ANYTHING on the road. Cyclists, pedestrians, golf carts (a real hazard here) or the police. They don't seek out guys on bikes, hoping to confront and then obstruct them, nor do they want to hit one, tip one over, or shove a stick in their spokes.

    Cyclists, on the other hand, seem to take pleasure in obstructing the road, annoying drivers they sense have it "out for them" and otherwise take chances they'd NEVER take in a car. Do you drive your car in the space between the curb and a car ALREADY in the right lane? Do you ignore redlights in your car? Wantonly disobey traffic signals? BLOCK THE ROAD at 15 mph? No? Betcha you've done ALL of these on a bike. Oh, and here's a good one. Had a woman, on a bike, ride past me the other day with her cell phone tucked under her chin, chatting away, WHILE SHE RODE ON THE SIDEWALK.

    Don't blame drivers for the poor behavior of cyclists. It's a reaction to their actions, not an overt act of defiance against innocent bike riders.

  17. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    get your head our of your ass and answer the following questions.

    what laws are the cyclists breaking on the roads? what laws are the motorists breaking by not making safe passes?

    I'm not saying it is smart for the cyclists, I know how dumb most motorists are and won't ride on the roads.

    However, who is in the legal right? Stop *****ing about it and taking it out on cyclists with the legal right, change the laws in the correct manner.
  18. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Failure to yield, unsafe passing, too many vehicles side by side or in a group on the road (yes, that's a law in PA, originally designed to make motorcycles use the road safely) The list goes on and on. I've seen cyclists exceed the speed limit in downhill stretches of road. I mean it, you name the traffic law, and guys on bikes are breaking them. How about, passing on the right? Or, riding on the shoulder of the road. Want more? These are all ones I've seen REGULARLY.

    What a ridiculous statement. Stop *****ing about it? Really? Do you ride your bike legally? Do you yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk, or do you weave between them as you run the redlight? Do you stop at every stopsign? Do you stop before turning right on a redlight? Do you ride single file down the road? Yield to oncoming traffic? Really? Its not drivers who have their heads up their asses. It's bike riders who ASSume they have the right to go where and when they please, ignoring the rules of the road.

    So, yank your unhelmeted head out of your bike riding ass and smell the coffee.

  19. ferraripete

    ferraripete F1 World Champ

    this...thanks rob.

    for those of you that paint all cyclists w/ broad brush stroke...most of us adhere to all rules just as we would as a automobile driver. we ride the white line. there are certainly some that think they own the road or when running in a large group ride take some indecent liberties...but I argue this is a minority.

    when you ride and race as long as I have, you have been intentionally run off the road. you have had virtually anything and everything thrown at you. you have people that want to fight (until they realize you are a 6-4 210 lb crit rider / sprinter). had every negligent dog owners ill behaved animal chase or attack us. the list goes on.

    most of us understand that we need to watch out for azz hole motorists as they will eventually end our love of cycling. it is dangerous out there and most of us respect that.

    again, not denying there are not examples of cyclists taking indecent liberties but they too have the same rights to the road that you do. last I would argue that being a cyclist makes one a better more conscientious driver as well.

    just have some patience guys...leave a little earlier.
  20. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    you are trying to tell a good story out of your anger for cyclists, but it is fictional. I would love for you to reference me the citations for every thing you mention against cyclists. For one, just show me where a cyclist has to yield for cars overtaking them? It is the automobiles responsibility for making a safe pass. Singling out speeding of cyclists, this is just proof you have the nerve to post that opening yourself up for a barrage of hypocritical comments. :D
  21. Jana

    Jana F1 Veteran

    Mar 4, 2015
    There's a four lane road on the east side of my subdivision. My favorite is when cyclists go opposite traffic, coming up hills in blind corners. I can't even tell you how many times I've locked up my car (doing the speed limit) to avoid killing someone. There is no shoulder, so nowhere to go. All have been on expensive bikes and wearing gear, so one would think they'd know how stupid that is, but it hasn't stopped them. The state is getting ready to make that road a state highway. I predict a lot of problems.

    ETA: I DO own a bike and ride in Florida.
  22. good2go

    good2go Formula Junior

    Feb 9, 2016

    I ride a bike 365 days a year. Car drivers hate bikers and pedestrians hate bikers. While there are fools bikes there are hundreds more in cars. Do you know how many drivers text, check emails, change music while driving? Close to 100%. It's a joke.

    In the case described, if there was a biking event, it calls for more cause, or move to a road with less bikers.

    The driver clearly states he pulled into the other lane and there was a bike, why does that make the bike at fault. He did nothing wrong.

    This forum is about owning and driving Ferrari's, don't make it into a group that hates bikers (no reason too).

    When I'm on my bike I will always be extremely careful. When I'm in my Ferrari I will be equally careful.
  23. good2go

    good2go Formula Junior

    Feb 9, 2016
    I agree some cyclist are jerks. Most are not. You say Cyclist run lights. I guarantee you we only do it when its safe. I am going to always do what is safest for me. So don't get pissed if I run a stop sign. If I get hit its my own fault. If I hit someone I wont kill them. If a car runs the stop sign they will kill the biker.

    Motorist and Pedestrians love to hate bikers. Stay off my roads, stay off my sidewalks. I have a right to be on both. I will do my best to not get in anyone's way or cause any accidents.

    Don't see one bad cyclist and assume the worst of all cyclist.

    If everyone in the world biked to work the world would be a better place. 100% guaranteed.
  24. good2go

    good2go Formula Junior

    Feb 9, 2016
    #24 good2go, Jun 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016


    If every day you wind up behind a jack wad, you need to take a close look in the mirror.



    I would flip you off too if you came up behind me and started honking. Whether I was biking or driving.

    Instead of telling the bikers to go bike somewhere else you go drive your car somewhere else. Did you know most bike paths are social and have speed limit of 10mph. That is why they bike on the road.





    You just fight for reason to hate bikers. I just don't have that much hate in me. I deal with distracted drivers every day. If you want traffic to move faster, stop complaining about the bikers, and get all the drivers off their cell phones, traffic will move much faster.

    Of course some bikers are jerks, but most of them are extremely nice people. When on the road they are entitled to a full lane. Give it to them. Just pretend it's your mother driving slowly, give her some room and pass when its safe.

    I do believe they make a Ferrari bike. Buy one and ride a few times a week. You might feel better, you might appreciate the bikers point of view.


    Comment about having stuff thrown at them. My brother bikes with an American flag jersey, just to help avoid having things thrown at him. Seriously.



    Bikes do not have to maintain a minimum speed. They are not allowed on interstates. Bikes follow 3 laws: motor vehicle, slow moving vehicle, and pedestrian.

    It's really too bad there is so much hatred for bikers.
  25. ferraripete

    ferraripete F1 World Champ

    now I think this is a true rarity. I honestly don't know ONE serious cyclist that rides against traffic.

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