Thanks for the kind words, It was a pleasure working with you.
This is the unmodified version, There has been no progress made on a substitute interface. I have many more hours of work to do, in that direction.
Thank you for sharing and the time spent. Is there a possibility to have vehicle data (for technical documentation, independently diagnostic capatibility) ?
Hey really great work on this ForzaLaVida. Thank you for putting in so much time and effort. I own a garage in India and have a 1996 355 F1 spider here that needs a lot of work. The owner sent over the sd1 tool with the car and I used your uploads to set up the software but I can't seem to get my pc to communicate with the tool. Have an old laptop with windows 98 installed and all the connections are direct(no adapters in between). Would love to get it to work to scan the individual modules in the car. I know that each module has its own connector and it needs to be connected through that. Would love any information on getting my pc to connect to the tool. If any drivers are required or I'm doing something wrong. Thank you in advance for any information you provide.
Hi ForzaLaVida, i have just purchased a Maserati SD2 and I really want to convert it to a Ferrari sd2. I have all the base software for Ferrari and Maserati, your help with this would really appreciated.
Hi ForzaLaVida, really interesting post ! Thank you for sharing your knowledge ! I have a Ferrari SD2 complete because of you. I'm really curious to know how you switch Ferrari to Maserati and vice-versa. I have SD3 too but just with Maserati base.
Hello , is that a software to be installed in PC and connecting it to any ferrari and it will get the diagnose ?
@ForzaLaVida Just wondering if you ever posted the full VM? Please PM me as I might have some SD2 files to share from an OLD WinXP desktop loaded with Ferrari SD2.
Guys..honestly. you no longer need the sd2 or sd3 crap. Autel, Launch and a few others have successfully cracked the Ferrari myth. For a couple grand you can do all kinds of fun stuff with those tools. Not sure what you are trying to do but the SD system is old and cracked a long time ago. Save your money.
Unfortunately can't read the older ones.. 512tr , 360 F1 pre 2003, f355 f1..unless someone found the magic one I was thinking of trying the autel 919.. to see if it works far as I know it Leo is the only one Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
Very true..I forgot about those. The x431 does have the connections for the ISO and I did manage to pull codes from a 95 456 but wasn't able to get any data stream etc..
Can you try your autel on a 1999 to 2001 360 and / or a 1993 512tr ? Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
The Autel is useless in setting up a new clutch on a 430....Clutch data retrieved is suspect at best. The SD3 works just fine. 355F1 set-up? An SD-2 running ported SD-1 software works perfectly. I guess it depends if you want to guess or have the correct results.
We have the Leo, Autel, Launch X41, Texa..and a wack of others. I use Autel the most for almost everything. For clutch life readings I use the Launch or the Leo. I have adjusted numerous clutches, performed the self learns etc with the Autel and have never had any kind of issue. That said..we did have to replace our Autel a couple years ago due to it not performing and sometimes completely failing send and bi directional commands. Its possible your unit may have an issue. We keep ours updated constantly with the automatic updates. It been a great tool. In the beginning I didn't trust the Autel very much as it screwed me over on a Maserati relearn..that's when I discovered there was an issue with ours. After that experience, I compared all the data I could from the Leo..and found they were very close..and in some cases the processing speed of the Autel was much faster..I find the Leo to be rather slow with the live data. Anything earlier with the ISO I use the Leo..
@ForzaLaVida Any further progress on this project? Would be nice to have diagnostic tools for the DIY folks who don't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars.
Is there anyone who would be willing to contribute the SW for an SDX 2.0? Right now, there's only the SW for the normal SDX available in the collection (guess it's called SDX 1.0 then?). Having support for the SDX 2.0, too, would be awesome! Pic of an SDX 2.0:
Will this SD2/SD3 help check mileage from the ECU/TCU when checking out a used car? Please let me know or direct me to the correct way to check mileage on a used Fcar. Appreciate it.