I got a ride in an Enzo! | FerrariChat

I got a ride in an Enzo!

Discussion in '288GTO/F40/F50/Enzo/LaFerrari' started by JPF, Nov 9, 2003.

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  1. JPF

    JPF Formula Junior

    Sep 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    I can't believe it! I just cannot believe it one bit. The owner tool me ou ton the highway for a spin. That car is the most insane, fastest, wildest thing I have ever sat in, let alone ridden in. The acceration was crazy, and the NOISE! Oh My God.

    I had to tell someone, and I though you guys could appreciate it.

    I will have pivtures next week.

    Now maybe next time he will take me for a ride in the Mclaren F1 that was parked next to it (which he says is even faster, wow), or the Vanquish, or the Modena spyder, or one of the many other dream machines he has.

    I am telling you I can die happy now.
  2. KennyH

    KennyH F1 Veteran

    Aug 13, 2001
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    Congratulations, I'd love to see some pictures.. Whose collection is that?
  3. JPF

    JPF Formula Junior

    Sep 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    Well, I prefer not to say, just in case he is into his privacy ( I really don't know him that well, but i would like to).

    I will say that he is a REALLY nice guy, is very approachable, and will talk about cars with you all day. He is a true enthusiast.

    He lives in the New York area, and Martha Stwewart and ralph Lauren are his neighbors, I can tell you that much.
  4. KennyH

    KennyH F1 Veteran

    Aug 13, 2001
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    Ahh, I think I know of him, good man, nice area/houses..
  5. JPF

    JPF Formula Junior

    Sep 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    He is well known in the collector car community, especially in Ferrari, Jaguar, and yes, Shelby Daytona Coupe (which he does not have any more, and regrets selling).
  6. robiferretti

    robiferretti F1 Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    NYC area
    Full Name:
    rob ferretti
    I'm next i live 10 min away and my neighbors are greg and patty
  7. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Formula 3

    Apr 20, 2002
    That is too, too cool!! I would love to see those pictures! Any more details on the Enzo ride?
  8. JPF

    JPF Formula Junior

    Sep 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    I am not sure what more I can say, but I can give you a play by play:

    When he fires the thing up, it is incredibly loud, almost like it is unmuffled. He pulls the thing outside (manuevering it slowly past the F1 and the Vanquish), and I pop the passenger door open. I ask, "any trick to getting in?", "nope, just drop in" he says, so I do, holding on to the open roof area and letting myself drop straight into the seat (I don't want to put ANY wear on the leather bolster). I reach up and pull the door down with a solid "thunk" and buckle in.

    The interior is really tight, even for me, and I am not tall (amazingly, he says the F1 is ALOT smaller, if you can imagine that). He presses a button and the front of the car raises a bit so as not to scrape on the way out the gated drive. "yea, I can't imagine what a splitter on one of these costs, I guess that is a good idea", he laughes.

    We pull out onto the local road, warming the engine. I am looking to see what peoples reactons are to this car, but there is no one around, dammit! As we are driving toward the highway, there is a yellow Corvette coming in the other direction and it nearly drives off the road when the driver see us. I am satisfied. ;-)

    Onto the highway, engine still not totally warm, but he hits it anyway. We were "slightly" over the speed limit in a heartbeat so he taps the ceramic discs (which are also still cold) and we haul down to below the speed of sound in a nanosecond.

    We weave through some traffic a bit, and I can see heads snapping around and mouths agape in the rear veiw mirror (which is set fairly far foreward on the fender, so I can see the little spoiler come up and down behind me, cool).

    We cruise along for a bit, running up and down the revs, listening to the song of the V12 (did I say "holy Cr*p" already?) talking about the car (did you know it has to be sent back to the factory to have ANY work dones on it, at the owners expense?), then we exit and turn around for the return. There is a couple in a Jag XJ8 that are freaking out in the lane next to us, the driver (the guy) is trying his best to keep his eyes on the road, but you can tell he is having a hard time keeping his eyes off the Enzo. He know what it is, and both he and his companion are letting us know very enthusiastically that they approve.

    We do a couple more hard acceleration bursts on the highway (it is like getting punched in the back, and sucks the breath right out of you), and exit for home, leaving lots of open mouths and sore necks from doing double takes behind us.

    We back gingerly into the garage, between the 360 Spyder and the Vanguish, and he threads the car into it's spot to the right of the F1 (which is signed by Micheal Shumacher, btw). At this point we realize I can't get out because we are too close to the wall, so we pullup a bit and then came the problem of getting out. Mostly a problem because I didn't WANT to get out, but also because I didn't want to screw anything up. I use the patented "Magnum P.I. dismount", which is just putting your hand on the door sill and pivoting out whithout draping your leg over the bolster. Exit: successful. Spirits: soaring.

    He back it back in (and it is ALOT quieter now that it is warmed up a bit), and shuts it down. He open the hood and twists a little knob that shuts off the battery.

    That was it. It was over too soon. I spent the whole eveing trying to remember as much of the experience as I could, realizing that I forgot to take as many pictures as I should have, but I was having too much fun to think of it.

    All in all, a great day. I got to see and ride in one of the most potent road cars in the world, as well as see some of the others, as well as talk to an owner who was actually willing to give his time to me. I hope someday I can return the favor.

    Yep, a really great day.
  9. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
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    I dont know how much longer Martha Stewart will be his neighboor...
    I thought Ralph lauren was the only Mclaren owner in the state, i guess not though. Does Tommy Hilfiger own one? I didnt think he lived in bedford though.
  10. netviper

    netviper Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Saint Augustine
    Full Name:
    wow.. that is an awsome story! I remember when a 360 owner took me out here. It was sweet. People yelled and screamed at us. (They dont do that in my NSX). It was really sweet and that engine note was great... ah.. one day..
  11. teflon

    teflon Formula Junior

    May 16, 2003
    Full Name:
    Greg A
    There are at least 8 McLaren F1 owners in the U.S.

    Greg A
  12. fanatic1

    fanatic1 Guest

    Nov 1, 2003
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    So how did you arrange the ride? Is he a friend of yours, know the family, that is awesome for you? Congrats!!
  13. UStifosi

    UStifosi Rookie

    Nov 5, 2003
    Reston, VA
    Re: Tommy Hillfiger owning an Enzo...

    On the MTV show "Rich Girls", one of the girls is TH's daughter. In the beginning promo for the show they show his Enzo in the garage.
  14. benedict

    benedict Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2003
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    hint, on the short side, about 70 years old, heavy Italian accent and has the same name as me.

  15. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
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    ok, now i know who it is. I remember seeing him with his F50 at a WWoC tech session last spring.
  16. benedict

    benedict Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I'm not saying it was him, I'm just guessing by the description of the other cars and the location.

  17. JPF

    JPF Formula Junior

    Sep 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    Actually, no. I am not sure who you are describing, but that is not this guy at all.

    To answer the previous question about how I met him, it was at the USGP at Indy this year. Turns out he lives near me, and we are both car nuts, so he invited me over to see his collection. One thing led to another and.....

    But you know the rest.

  18. Chevarri

    Chevarri Formula Junior

    Jan 20, 2003
    In a rose bush.
    Full Name:
    I cant even get a ride in a Mondial, and you got a ride in an Enzo?!?!?! Uugghhh.

    XLT story though, I could just "see" that Enzo weaving in and out of traffic :D
  19. Mercedes_Benz

    Mercedes_Benz Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 1, 2003
    South Florida
    Wow, i got the chills reading that story!
  20. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Joshua, that's a totally awesome story, congratulations...!!! You must still be walking on air... Wow... Please don't forget about us the next time you go for a ride in it or in one of his other cars... Thanks for sharing this... :)
  21. rennen

    rennen Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    New York
    I know who your talking about. He does have an amazing collection, super nice guy too.
  22. jonesn

    jonesn Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Evan "Trouble" Jones
    Yeah, there's more than that. We have 4 here in Texas alone, that I know of.
  23. KennyH

    KennyH F1 Veteran

    Aug 13, 2001
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    I know of 5 between MA and NY alone..
  24. tvrfreak

    tvrfreak F1 Rookie

    Mar 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    F K
    If it is who I am thinking it is, he keeps another McLaren in London as well.
  25. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    "Ben" was down here in Florida this past weekend at a FCA event. He had his 333. My wife speaks to him in Italian.

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