Tiger Woods and tipping......... | FerrariChat

Tiger Woods and tipping.........

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by kizdan, Aug 29, 2005.

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  1. kizdan

    kizdan F1 Veteran

    Dec 31, 2003
    My wife told me that she read, or heard somewhere that Tiger Woods does not tip at all. Has anyone heard the same? If yes, anyone know why?
  2. SrfCity

    SrfCity F1 World Champ

    Found this FWIW:

    [Trivia: Lisa Hammond, a former Las Vegas cocktail waitress, once called Tiger Woods the worst-tipping celebrity she had ever encountered. "He wasn't very friendly," she recalled. "Very snobby."]

    Sounds like he does tip but a bit of a tight wad. If it's true he's robbing from the kharma bowl ;)
  3. normhuff

    normhuff Formula Junior

    Dec 14, 2003
    Peoria, IL
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    J. Norman Huff, Esq.
  4. bernardo66

    bernardo66 The Crazy Cat Man
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 14, 2003
    Montreal Canada
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    That's pretty funny. Although you wonder how much of it is really true.
  5. Ducman491

    Ducman491 Formula 3

    Apr 9, 2004
    Mentor OH
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    I worked as a Bellboy for a year. Worst tip I ever got was Rod Woodson, (then with the Steelers) I carted 10 bags to his 4-Runner and he gave me a dollar. ONE lousy dollar. I gave it back and walked away. Kevin Green however gave me $5 to tie his neck tie. Couldn't reach his neck very well.
  6. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
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    Humble Narrator
    tipping is stupid, most service you get sucks ass as doesn't deserve the money you paid just to get that. OTOH if someone does an exceptional job - above and beyond what was necessary to achieve the result i originally paid them for - then i might feel generous, but that is very very rare. the service industry is filled with 99% idiots who can stay there for life for all i care, they're not using my hard-earned to get out of it.
  7. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I get a kick out of people disappointed by cheap and/or aloof celebrities. These are people accustomed to getting their asses kissed everywhere they go, usually with tabs being picked up for them or at least getting barraged by fans. It's as if the wait-people are hoping for a home-run tip just because these people are wealthy. Sure, Tiger could go through the motions, pretend he's thrilled to meet the cocktail waitress he'll never see again and leave a large tip. What does she expect? $10,000? Regular people tend to feel like celebrities should always be "on", smiling and cordial. Yeah, some are bigger a-holes than others, but don't forget that poor 'ol Tiger's married now, so you'll have to expect a little grousing from time to time.
  8. Kram

    Kram Formula Junior

    Jul 3, 2004
    Park bench, Canada
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    Tiger Woods give a tip?

    Didn’t he once tell someone to use a 5 iron and not a putter?
  9. sjb509

    sjb509 Guest

    I guess I find it interesting why people may much attention to celebrities away from their jobs at all. If Tiger Woods, or even Michael Schumacher was walking on the opposite side of the street, I doubt I would cross just to shake their hand. I might say to my wife, "hey check it out, there's Tiger Woods", but I wouldn't bother him.

    I'm sure for even moderately famous, much less the insanely famous like Tiger, going out in public is a major PITA.
  10. Etcetera

    Etcetera Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Dec 7, 2003
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    Who gives a crap how much the man tips?
  11. racerx3317

    racerx3317 F1 Veteran

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Anybody who's ever waited on him i guess, lol
  12. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
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    Humble Narrator
    losers who want a few bucks off him :D
  13. Ducman491

    Ducman491 Formula 3

    Apr 9, 2004
    Mentor OH
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    Have you ever had to work for tips before? I'm guessing no. The 99% you are refering to are hard working people who are trying to work their way through college or just trying to make ends meet while waiting on A$$bags like you who are going to make their job miserable and then stiff them. Just because they didn't kiss your ass for an extra dollar. If the service is bad and you don't want to leave a tip, then say something to the manager. They will appreciate it and either give you a gift certificate or comp your dinner. After all isn't that what you are shooting for anyway. Something for nothing.
  14. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    Stevie Williams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
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    Humble Narrator
    haha right, try reading what is written before slinging insults. i want what i pay for, most people want more than they deserve for the service they're providing. i don't care about their sob story, it's not my mission to give money for nothing, and i don't expect it in return. you can be part of that 99% for all i care, you've made my ignore list for stupidity.
  16. gougoul

    gougoul Formula 3

    Nov 25, 2004
    Geneva, Switzerland
    Tipping is a dumb system
    Waiters et al. should get paid by their employer and not bothering customers with that. They should be free to tip if something really amazing was done.
    I mean, the restaurant already gets cash from the food and esp. the wine, so what's the problem ?
    Also, tipping hotel drivers or so for complementary cars (peninsula Beverly Hills and Ritz Carlton NYC for one) is also weird.

    I don't like this system when people are used to it and expect it.
    Would you tip your postman ? Nope.
  17. LexusEnthusiast

    LexusEnthusiast Karting

    Aug 14, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    I leave my postman a check for Christmas time.
    Also the garbage men.

    Tipping is worthy, but I agree that if you don't want to tip, explain to the waiter/waitress/manager as to WHY you are dissatisfied with the service. That will clear everything up. If the service was satisfactory, leave 10%. If it was exceptional, leave what your heart desires. Remember, these people that work in restaurants and other places where tips are offered DO NOT get paid minimum wage. They are just trying to make some money probably because they are less fortunate than you are, not necessarily because they are idiots (all though I agree, many of them are). Stereotyping is a dangerous tool.
  18. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    My GF owns a restaurant. The only days she makes any money there is when she waits tables!
  19. sjmst

    sjmst F1 Veteran
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    Jul 31, 2003
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    Actually, Yes. Do I LIKE it? No, but it is now built into our system.
  20. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    I tip the postman, garbageman and club staff at Christmas.
  21. Westworld

    Westworld Three Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    May 18, 2004
    Doesn't Japan frown on tipping?
  22. Ducman491

    Ducman491 Formula 3

    Apr 9, 2004
    Mentor OH
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    Maybe you should read this again yourself. You said that most service sucks ass, and if you get "exceptional" service you "might" feel generous but that is "very very rare". That says to me that a server could bend over backward to take care of you and still may get the shaft. Maybe your attitude to your servers ("idiots" and "losers") comes across right off the bat. That would explain the crap service you always seem to get. By the way, what have you done with your life that is so great? Lets see, nope Cancer is still around and people are still hungry around the world, looks like nothing. Ignore me all you want but you are still an A$$bag.

    Edit: I take the something for nothing comment back, you did say you only want what you pay for. For that part I am sorry but the rest is spot on.
  23. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    The problem though is that no one customer should represent such big hope for a wait person. If you're good at what you do, then the tips from all your customers will reflect that. It wasn't as if Tiger Woods, or any other celebrity for that matter, was about to write this woman a cheque for $5,000,000 and set her up for life. Sometimes you get stiffed in life, and that isn't the exclusive domain of people in the service industry. Speaking from experience, it's annoying as all he77 being one of the many nobodies in life at a bar/restaurant when a celebrity is present. We are the bread and butter of the industry but often get ignored like a hot turd once somebody famous shows up. I'd be interested to hear how patrons at this woman's OTHER tables felt about their service that day.
  24. Ducman491

    Ducman491 Formula 3

    Apr 9, 2004
    Mentor OH
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    You're absolutly right. When I was a bellboy I never treated any celeb different than anyone else. Most times I was well tipped. I was good at what I did and I had business travelers request that I be there when they checked in. I can't speak for that server, maybe she sucked. Tiger has no more responsibility to be a big tipper than anyone else. But people remember celebs and love to talk about them. I only take exception to people who make blanket assumptions about the service industry and have never been on the other side of the fence. I would bet that Ashimmonds would fail miserably as a server and I would challenge him to take a job like that for a week and see how it goes. It is not as easy as it seems. I work in a different type of service industry now. Providing uniforms and other products to businesses. I have done well in this business because I treat the $30 a week Mom and Pop Deli just as well as the $20k per week multi national corporation. Even the people who are a pain in the neck I treat everyone the same.

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