Has anyone ever thought of buying an F-car in Alberta even if you don't live there? | FerrariChat

Has anyone ever thought of buying an F-car in Alberta even if you don't live there?

Discussion in 'Canada' started by crazy canuck, Jun 20, 2005.

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  1. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    I am looking at buying an F-car but the horric BC PST that applies to even a used car is such a RIP-- it's a used car for crying out loud!!--

    anyways, I was wondering if I bought an f-car privately in Alberta, and registered it there, I would save almost $30K in tax on a $200k purchase?..

    has anyone done this--or know of the hazzards?
  2. ToddB

    ToddB Formula 3

    Nov 4, 2003
    Vancouver B.C./OC
    Full Name:
    If your buying a $200,000 car the tax should not bother you, If you going for resale, A local ferrari would be the better choice
  3. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    that's an interesting thought..but the tax always matters whether I'm buying a $50K car or a $200K car--The devil's in the details as the saying goes.

    I'm not Bill Gates rich, but by being prudent in planning my purchases, I have managed to enjoy some of the finer things in life..

    How would resale be impacted if I bought it AND sold it in a 3-5 years back to where I bought it?
  4. Prancing 12

    Prancing 12 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    May 11, 2004
    The long way home
    Firstly, $30k is $30k, you'd have to be an idiot to just throw it away if there was a way around it (legally).

    Most cars for sale in Alberta were not initially Alberta cars, as we don't have a dealership. There has been a huge increase in interest lately with alot of oil money and easier access to the cars (you know who...). As you have probably seen, the prices are pretty consistant throughout the country and I would doubt that in a few years your car would be worth any significant amount less, regardless of where you have bought it and where it has been.
  5. Myhorse

    Myhorse Formula Junior

    Oct 31, 2003
    Just buy a frigin car and drive the it.
    Resale is something that no one can predict - it will swing one way or another depending on market forces ( supply demand crap )

    If your are worried about "local " versus "nonlocal" car just for resale, then you have to go all out a by a car that does not have a single mark, tire scuff, windshield chip, leather crack. because that will get top dollar.

    So your new investment will remain in a plastic bag until the time you wish to sell it because of "future resale"

    Then the problem of not enough use arises, further affecting the future resale value.

    The point is don't buy a car for the future owner. Buy a car for you. Have fun with it...

    Remember, unless you live in Maranello, every Ferrari is a "nonlocal" car.
  6. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    Amen to that one..
  7. whiteout

    whiteout Rookie

    Jun 9, 2005
    You'll end up paying the PST(TAX) unless you register it in Alberta. Good Luck with your purchase.
  8. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    How difficult is it to register a car in alberta--any albertan boarders out there?---especially cuz I was thinking about buying some real estate out ther anyway...
  9. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    ...and also, is there a dealer in Alberta?
  10. ToddB

    ToddB Formula 3

    Nov 4, 2003
    Vancouver B.C./OC
    Full Name:
  11. Bart

    Bart Formula 3

    Nov 1, 2003
    Orange County, Calif
    Full Name:
    I want to drive my car in that city.

    Only drive 12 cylinders
  12. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    which city is that?
  13. anon

    anon Karting

    Apr 30, 2004
    Those who dismiss the value of $30k simply do not understand the potential value of a dollar. Even some billionaires have been known to bend over to pick up a dime on the road. The corrolary, in turn, is that a new Ferrari is indeed a very expensive toy. For me to buy one and hold on to it indefinitely is the same as spending at least a million of today's dollars in 30 years, guaranteed. That's why not all truly wealthy but financially cognizant people will choose to possess such luxuries.
  14. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    You are right on about the value of a dollar. I watched a show on TV that ad an interview with Jim Pattison--who is one of Canada's wealthiest businessmen, I believe I heard he donated $20 million + to Vancouver General Hospital. The interviewer asked him about the secrets to his success, and he said that "I never walk by a pay phone without checking to see if it someone has left a quarter in it".

    That 's how he runs his businesses, by making sure that he compensates people well--he has a former BC premier on the pay roll, AND despite owning a private jet, a number of cars, yachts, etc--NEVER buy anything without finding out what the true cost is. Cost Consious = Wealth Consious. This guy's doing something right as a billionaire..
  15. arium

    arium Karting

    Jun 16, 2005
    Port Coquitlam, B.C.
    Full Name:
    Steve H
    Sorry to interject here but the 30K tax on a 200K car is somewhat skewed.

    My understanding is that you pay GST (7%) pretty much on any anything that goes through a reseller (ie: non private) nationwide.

    In BC we pay currently 7% PST on ANY purchase up to 49K. Anything pricier the luxury tax kicks in and we pay 10%. Now on a 200K car that would seem to be only 20K not 30. Or did I miss something?

    As to purchasing out of province many factors come into play. If you live in BC for more than 6 months of the year then you file income tax as a BC'er. Everything you bring in you should report and pay PST on. However, if you own more than one domicile you are free to purchase and register vehicles in that domicile as long as they are principally operated there. Break the rule of operating out of declared territory and you'll learn some real hard lessons from your insurance company in the event of a crash.

    If however, you do reside in Alberta, you can move to BC and import your household effects etc. tax free. I believe you are required to have lived out of jurisdiction for more than a year and you are not allowed to sell motor vehicles imported this way until completing a minimum of one year of residency.

    Thing is, every car privately sold in BC should be priced higher than one from a tax free jurisdiction. And dealers factor out PST if you trade in with them on a new purchase. We are all in the same boat. Just consider us poor fools that import from the US. We pay 6.2 % duty on foreign toys. Then 7% GST and then 7% PST and/or 10% luxury on top of that. Oh yeah, that's AFTER changing US currency into regina pesos. That's the one that hurts.

    Take care guys,

    Fchat is a great forum!

    Steve H
  16. crazy canuck

    crazy canuck Formula Junior

    Jun 20, 2005
    West Coast
    How much do you save by buying in the US?--I'm gueesing it must be pretty significant to be worth paying all the duties/taxes/hassle factor.

  17. ToddB

    ToddB Formula 3

    Nov 4, 2003
    Vancouver B.C./OC
    Full Name:
    do a search, this topic has been posted before

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