Da Silvano Restaurant-NYC | FerrariChat

Da Silvano Restaurant-NYC

Discussion in 'New York Tri-State' started by benedict, Jan 26, 2005.

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  1. benedict

    benedict Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Strange coincidence, had dinner at Da Silvano, 6th ave between Houston and Bleecker. Walk in and there is Ferrari stuff all over the restaurant, red horsey flags, a model of a Challenge Stradale, pictures of F50's etc. I ask why and it seems the owner is a huge Ferrari fan and was just down at Cavallino racing his Challenge Stradale. Silvano Marchetto is his name. Any of you EC playas
    eat there or know the guy?

  2. GDautosport

    GDautosport Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    i dont know the person, but i often see a red stradale parked around there, i was wondering if it was the owner's, since he always has the best spot...now i know
  3. Schultzois

    Schultzois Formula Junior

    Jun 22, 2004
    I've been there a few years ago and didn't notice anything Ferraristic there, but I've since heard people say that the owner is a big Ferrari aficionado, and every now and then there's been a word here and there about swinging by.

    Aside from the Ferrari element, I have had dinner there and it was good stuff.

    I do think it would be fun to do something there sometime. How was your dinner?
  4. Hubert888

    Hubert888 F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2003
    Manhattan & LA
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    yeah the owner is an older man (white hair) that drives a red cs with stripe.
  5. JohnH

    JohnH Karting

    Dec 31, 2003
    New York
    Full Name:
    John H.
    Da Silvano is a great resturant in the summertime. The food is pretty good but on the expensive side. Most people go there for people watching and just to sit outside and soak in the city. Last time I was there, Michael Keaton was hanging around there. I was wondering where Batman went all these years. His car wasn't striped in the beginning but has gone through a transformation where he even has his website as a banner on his windshield. Try the Kobe Hot Dog next time you are there. I know for 50 bucks I haven't tried it.
  6. Greg G

    Greg G F1 Rookie

    #6 Greg G, Jan 26, 2005
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Ben... heres the man and his car. I met him @ your Uncle's little shindig downtown NYC back in Sept 2004. The impression I got was that he's pretty close with Benny and that they hang together regularly.

    A bunch of us ECers saw him in the CS when convoying back from the Times Square Shootout/FoLI event. Im down for checking out his place sometime.

    BTW - the pix are frm M Lussos site.
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  7. benedict

    benedict Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Greg nails it as usual with archived photos of car and driver! LOL. Yes, he is friendly with Benny which is why he came over to our table when he recognized the last name. Incidentally food was awesome, very authentic. Gina Gershon was there. (My brother and I had just seen her in "Face-Off" on HBO so we cracked up doing the face-removal hand gestures.) Definitely a great spot for an EC spring/summer get together.
  8. Hubert888

    Hubert888 F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2003
    Manhattan & LA
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    Yo BRad, Rene, Chris, Emil? we gots to have this kobe again! :D
  9. f1f355

    f1f355 Rookie

    Aug 2, 2004
    holmdel, nj
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    louie devito
    i have ate there several times. try the mediterranean lobster... it's the best lobster i ever had. he also has a maserati qp and is going to italy in may to pick up his 430.
  10. ClydeM

    ClydeM F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2003
    Wayne, NJ
    Full Name:
    Clyde E. McMurdy
    Please add me to the list. Never had Kobe.
  11. sagaponack

    sagaponack Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Silvano is a huge car nut. He has a quattroporte, 360, and a maser convert.

    His place is very expensive and you really have to make an effort to go very often (and with the right guests) in order to be treated appropriately.

    It is much more manageable when he opens the street tables in the summer.
  12. titanium360

    titanium360 F1 Rookie

    Nov 10, 2003
    he is also a sponsor of ferrari of long island challenge race team
  13. vinnycar

    vinnycar Karting

    Mar 7, 2004
    New Canaan, CT
    Full Name:
    Vincent Cardone

    Have eaten there rnany times, very nice. The place next door, Bar Pitti, is also very good for traditional Italian..much less formal and much cheaper but it is small and they have a no reservation policy. Not unusual to see a Maserati Spyder parked right in front of Da Silvano..could the owner have one of those as well?

    Great spot for summer afternoon get together if the parking can be arranged. This is an extremely hectic part of the Village.
  14. arnaget

    arnaget Formula Junior

    Nov 4, 2003
    New York
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    I saw silvano's Challenge Stradale in front of the place last spring. I talked to him a little about it, and of course he only had great things to say about the car. it was cordoned off with orange cones.. at the time, the car didn't have the stripe or the silly decals (...the miniature italian flag below side marker -- as if we didn't know the car's from Italy?..or that silvano is italian?..). but i guess to each, his own.
  15. ctC230K

    ctC230K Karting

    May 4, 2005
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    i just registered after seeing this 360 parked outside this restaurant Sunday night around midnight. I met Mr. Silvano, he is very very nice.
    Here are the photos I took of his amazing car-
  16. Attitude928

    Attitude928 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    I wonder if those "silly decals" lets him write off part of the car.
  17. ctC230K

    ctC230K Karting

    May 4, 2005
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  18. Black355

    Black355 F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Eli: Will he be in Vegas?
  19. titanium360

    titanium360 F1 Rookie

    Nov 10, 2003
    Emil, as of last week he was going.
  20. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
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    Augustine Staino
    Great restaurant. Saw Yoko Ono last time I was there. Bar Pitti next door is great as well.
  21. F5506M

    F5506M Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    New Jersey
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    Looks like he copied Brad with the rear diffuser painted red
  22. ctC230K

    ctC230K Karting

    May 4, 2005
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    no kidding!!! i am going to try to make it to his place sometime this weekend to see the inside, i hear its got alll ferarri memorabilia on the walls and stuff.
  23. ctC230K

    ctC230K Karting

    May 4, 2005
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    i'm going to stop in tonight, i bet he'll be around for Cinco De Mayo!!!
  24. jptyke

    jptyke Formula 3

    Sep 28, 2004
    Manhattan, NY
    Full Name:
    Master P.
    Great Lobster there
  25. ctC230K

    ctC230K Karting

    May 4, 2005
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    well, i didn't even make it past the first mexican bar in my town that night, forget about all the way to new york.

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